Mind you, the feel of its abdomen was quite different than that of antique seat covers!
Ragged Robin, Lychnis flo-cuculi
Fox and cubs. Pilosella aurentiaca
one of the Ermine Moths, I suspect it to be a Buff Ermine, Spilosama lubricipeda
Speckled Wood Butterfly, Aglais urticae
Can you tell me what kind of specie of Beetle this lovely one is?
When I saw this micro Mothon my window, I saw sofa coverings, curtains or table cloths.
These are just a few design examples in nature, that I associate with us, humans, and how we used our interpretation of nature in furniture, architecture, pottery, fashion and art. But most of all, nature is always in our head when we design something. we might not realise this, but I am convinced that the wildflowers you see along the road on your way home from work, college or uni, have influenced you in one way or another.
These are just a few species which I associated with our forefathers, while I rode the road and watched all that was growing alongside the road, or those that came into my head. There are many many more. Just very recently, a new Moth flew into the kitchen, landed on the narrow strip behind the gas hob, before flying off when I tried catching it. Its wings showed horizental stripes in different shades of brown, which did remind me of teak, somehow. Don't ask me why.
The Butterfly, featured in the post of 10 days ago, was indeed a Green-veined Butterfly, Aphantopus hyperantus. I got confused when he opened up, and the markings were unlike those on the Irish Butterfly website.
Thank you again, Adrian, for pointing out that males' markings are very variable.
I think your beetle is a weevil - not sure which kind though...