The hedgerows were glowing with life! Holly and Honeysuckle were showing off their branches stretching far out of the hedgerows, laden with berries. Also Blackthorn I believe, but I still have to learn a lot more before I can definitely spot the difference between these. Despite the cold weather and it being late in the growing season, this Fern had started sprouting as if it knew of no boundaries.
When lifting the camera and focusing on the Hooded Crows, and settled on the little bridge at my previous home, I was aware of a truck closing in behind me, and so I moved off quickly. I let it go past, and discovered that it was one of the county council which was trying to repair the road surface as well as it was able to. It is a very bad way of making roads passable for any traffic in my view, because it will only last till the next heavy rains have swept this lot out again.
Anyway, here are some photos. .
Herb Robert, one of those sweet flowers which are often hidden in the Grass.
This Daisy was hard to photograph, as it was swaying right to left in the wind.
This, I think is an Upright Hedge Parsley, but I still have trouble keeping them apart.
Seedhead of what I believe to be another Upright Hedge Parsley.
And of course, a couple of Hooded Crows too. I spotted 5 in this tree.
Sticking with the yellow theme is this one growing against the wall, stopping the tide from flooding the road.
Bird'sfoot Trefoil, one of my favourite Wild Flowers, still popping up everywhere.
And between the latest houses of the estate and us, the result of the latest weather was quite easy to spot in long and high grass: even the birds would have to pinch deep in order to find this fruit of the Hawthorn, I believe.