Cork county council has cleared the garden for me in April or March, and although I wanted to create a garden here at long last, all the hibernating invertebrates went into the skip with the overgrown grass, and most of the bramble and nettle, when they cut it back. The Bramble and Nettle have taken the opportunity to get new growth into the air, and slowly I can spot Insects returning. No Ladybirds as of yet though. And I have not seen one Spider in the garden yet. Even my little Zebra Spiders, Salticus scenicus, have not surfaced yet. The other side in my mind takes the very harsh winter into account also, of course. in the case of the Zebras I'd have thought they would have crept indoors. They survived the previous winter as well.
Mind you, the garden is changing. In an effort to cheer myself up, I have bought a lot of containers and pots for the garden and started to fill them. But I'll talk about that at a later date.
A little moth resting on the wall outside. Probably one of the "Waves".
Lots of Micros have been flitting about the house, as this one on the microwave.
Good old favourite, Small Magpie, Eurrhypara hortulata
Hibernating Small Magpies kept me company in the kitchen over the winter and after Francis died, they were my only companions in the house. I always talk to them, in- or outdoors. I talk to every creature, really. Like this beautiful red eyed Insect, which I spotted in between the bird crops, an area of about 3x1 metres where the oats and other grasses are maturing nicely among the Nettles.
This Bamble kept buzzing about without avtually flying much. So I smeaed a little honey onto the window & sill, hoping it would give it some energy. It had no parasites or other hithikers on its body, but it still died pretty soon afterwards. Poor thing.
I've seen this one before, last year, and isn't it very cute?
Another Wave, perhaps?
I have seen this one before, and it is a very common one, but my mind has so many other things to cope with that, that I cannot get into identification-mode right now.
White Ermine MothsSpulisoma lubricipedalucri.
I think this is one of the "Arches" It popped out of a plantpot, which I was about to go and plant. What a lovely find! It looks more silvery than on the photo; I was in a rush-I was about to be picked up in 10 minutes, and got the settings wrong. Thought it was a Silver Arches, due to its colour, or the Grey, but it looks nothing like those.